Sunday, July 1, 2007

Camping at the Portuguese park

Gabe looks very serious ha ha
I took the initiative to go and gather wood and sticks for the fire (these city folk I tell ya) just kiddin
They have a march every year after the fireworks
She knows she's funny now!
Her new favorite kissy face
She WAS a very happy camper

The dancing was very neat
These are the youngest dancers and they were soooo cute!
Gabe's sister Carla and neice Raina
Roasting a hotdog for lunch


Unknown said...

Camping looks like fun. Tell Aidan we are soooo excited to see him and everyone else. Gabby looks looks like shes got a sense of humor.

Smelly Melly said...

Camping was so much fun and Aidan is hardly able to sleep tonite now because he's so excited!! Take a look at that last picture, what is uglier than a white Aztek?! There is no wrong answer hee hee hee hee hee