Monday, July 23, 2007

Swimming and fishing in Lac Du Bonnet

The flowers Gabe picked for me on an "island". Aww thanks Gabe!
Gabe floating.
I am very seriously fishing! Hee hee!

The 1st fish I've ever caught in my whole entire life and I had to throw it back! (In this picture: Gabe's brother-in-law, Donnie, left and Donnie's brother Darryl, right)

Gabe's and Gabby's 1st time at the Mennonite Museum! (From Gabe's view)

I know we've all been here quite a few times but I was excited to show Gabe around. These pics are all taken by him (minus the one of him)

Look how cute he is smiling at you...mmmm bacon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Even MORE random pictures

That is my tomato, I am proud of myself for growing it. It may be small but in a few months tomato sandwiches here I come! Hee hee hee!
These butterflies kept landing on me the other day when I was out for a walk.
She looks waaay too innocent!

The view from my balcony...isn't the store beautiful!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Camping at the Portuguese park

Gabe looks very serious ha ha
I took the initiative to go and gather wood and sticks for the fire (these city folk I tell ya) just kiddin
They have a march every year after the fireworks
She knows she's funny now!
Her new favorite kissy face
She WAS a very happy camper

The dancing was very neat
These are the youngest dancers and they were soooo cute!
Gabe's sister Carla and neice Raina
Roasting a hotdog for lunch